Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ruston wanted to make sugar cookies for Christmas time. He was so excited to be my helper, but when he turned the mixer on powder sugar went everywhere. While I was getting the camera he was busy licking all of it up as fast as he could. It was really funny then Annie wanted in on the mess and it was time for me to step in and clean it up before it got tracked all over the house.
Last night for FHE we took the kids to the ZOO lights. It was cold but we dressed warm enough to have a great time with no Whining. Ruston liked the alligators and snakes the most. Annie got to watch a monkey jump to a branch right in front of her face it was pretty exciting.

Sorry these pictures are so bad I couldn't get the night setting on before my batteries died.

1 comment:

The Funky Bunch said...

Making sugar cookies with kids is NEVER a clean project! It looks so funny! I'm glad you did it and the kids had a good time. The zoo lights look like fun!